About Us

Stoefs Studio is an artist-led brand rooted in the vibrant cultures of the surf and skate community. Founded in Florida, this clothing company initially emerged as a fundraising initiative to construct skateparks globally. From Angola to Jamaica, and Morocco to Peru, these initial fundraisers laid the foundation for our brands identity. Since then, we've continued to prioritize art as the focal point to what we're recognized for most.

Become a retailer

Reach out via email to receive our wholesale catalog and see if your retail shop is a good fit for Stoefs.


Want to see us in person at our next non-profit fundraiser? Stay up to date with our latest events here.

How it started

Founder and head of creative direction, Ayden Stoefen started Stoefs as a fundraising tactic to produce a product with his creative background to bring in donations for the non-profit projects he was a part of abroad. Once this was successful, he found himself starting to not only enjoy the process of this new found creative outlet, but as he was emerged deeper into the culture of streetwear, he found his drive was making a strong shift towards the production of wearable products and not just the art behind them.